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ANOVA GraphPad Prism 6 26: How to Perform and Interpret One-Way ANOVA


Hi! I have a study with a drug supplementation at different time points (different samples) and a control group (with no drug supplementation). I was thinking a two way anova for my analysis (factors: drug- yes/no, time points as a factor) but the control group has no value in the time point. What should I do in this situation?

anova graphpad prism 6 26

hi, my research is about pretest and posttest performance of two experimental groups. should i use t-test or anova?or can i use ancova, i was planning on making the pretest as covariate for the post test performance

2) One-way ANOVA with repeated measurements: to calculate the effect of treatment and time on stress and anxiety. There are repeated measurements at two time points, pre- (baseline) and post-test for each subject. There is one experimental factor (treatment: yes/no). Note that the two dependent variables (stress and anxiety) should be analyzed separately. Learn more here: -tutorials/one-way-anova-repeated-measures-using-spss-statistics.php

Hello, Is it possible for the p value of a t test and one way anova be different? I have 2 samples, one independent variable, the p value using t-test was 0.001 which should mean reject null, but when i ran an anova, i got another p value of 0.11. This has left me confused.

For a two-group/level setting, the p-values obtained with t-test and ANOVA should be very close. Please re-test it with statistical analysis software (e.g., R, SAS, SPSS, STAT). See also: -way-anova-test-in-r and The statistical function provided in Excel is useful but tricky and prone to be misused.

It is unclear how many concept tests are being conducted on each subject according to the provided description. However, if only one test will be conducted after delivery of all three treatments, there will be only one factor in the study (i.e., order of the treatments). Under this scenario, one-way ANOVA would be sufficient. On the other hand, if there are 3 concept tests after each treatment, there will be repeated measurements on subjects with two experimental factors (i.e., treatment A, B, C and timepoint 1, 2, 3). We would like to get idea of the effect of both the treatment and timepoint on the performance of the concept test. However, the within-subject correlation via repeated measurements must be handled appropriately. ANOVA with repeated measurements (under the General Linear Model framework) was designed for this purpose. Please see -tutorials/mixed-anova-using-spss-statistics.php for a detailed explanation.

For analysis, we suggest the General Linear Model with repeated measurements to handle both the within-subject (i.e., cell flask containing the cells) correlation, and the between-subject experimental factors, the treatments, and clones. Please see -tutorials/mixed-anova-using-spss-statistics.php for a more detailed explanation.

Hello everyone, Can i ask what kind of ANOVA we will use in our study. Our study, has 2 dependent variable which are the 14th day and 28th day compressive strength of a concrete who has a mixture of 0%, 5%, and 10%. Each mixture has 2 samples to average the strength separately for 14th day and 28th day giving 6 samples for 14th day and another 6 samples for 28th day giving a total of 12 samples of all mixtures. And we are confuse what statistical treatment we are going to use if we are seperately solve the two dependent variable and what anova we will be performing. I hope somebody will enlighten us. Thank you

This is a two-factor experiment where the factors are the time points and mixture concentrations. The strength of the concrete is what is being measured. Use a two-way ANOVA with the time points and mixture concentrations as independent variables, and the concrete strength as the dependent variable to be evaluated ( -tutorials/two-way-anova-using-spss-statistics.php).

Hi,I have data set which consist age of babies and its two measurement (x1 and x2).Age of babies are 3,12 and 24 months. Anova method is used as there is a 3 group of age. can you please help me out that what is the python code for anova.

I have to conduct both a t-test and anova test from a given subset of data. For the t test, I used the variable if people exercised (yes/no) comparing average calories in each group (of the yes/no if people exercised). Then, for the anova test I used different forms of exercise compared to amount of carbs each person ate depending on their exercise form. I understand to use a t test with 2 variables (the yes and no) and the anova for 3 more (multiple exercise forms).I do not understand how the t test and anova data would relate to each to form a hypothesis. I am struggling to understand what I would be comparing between the two tests if I am using different data.I also have to determine the mean, median, SE, and covariance of the other categories (fat, protein) I have not used. How would this relate t to anything either??Am I even doing anything correct??Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you ?

Hello,I am conducting an experimental study, survey design to look at whether national affirmation is effective in encouraging a national in-group identity. The control condition will receive an unrelated task. The DV is measured by 4 categories. is it encouraged to use both a t-test and anova or just one? I appreciate all responses

To compare the retention level of total phenolic content before and after cooking, a paired t-test would be appropriate. To compare the dose-dependent effect of spices on retention level, use ANOVA with repeated measures: -tutorials/two-way-repeated-measures-anova-using-spss-statistics.php This approach enables multiple comparisons within a single analysis. You may also want to perform a scatter plot with regression.

Both paired-t-test and two-way ANOVA could be used since only 1 factor (baseline versus post-treatment) is being compared. If you want to analyze additional factors or groups, such as different treatments, two-way ANOVA with repeated measures would be better. You can learn more about ANOVA with repeated measures here: -interpret-repeated-measures-anova/. This is because ANOVA considers the variance across ALL treatment groups whereas a t-test analysis would have to be performed within EACH treatment group.

Yes, you should repeated measures ANOVA under a generalized linear model ( -interpret-repeated-measures-anova/). If the case of normality is not met ( _test), the data should be pre-processed appropriately before inputting the data into the models. For example, you may need to transform your data by converting everything to the log format. The type of pre-processing that you should use will be based on the characteristics of the original data. If the data are generated from a high throughput platform like a microarray or next generation sequencing, please refer to the R package limma ( ).

This work was funded by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2021R1C1C2008422, to SJO; NRF-2021R1C1C2013395, to HJL; NRF-2019R1A4A1029000, to TWK; and NRF-2020R1A2B5B03095410, to TWK) and the Korea Drug Development Fund (HN21C0486, to TWK). mIHC with computational image processing workflows was supported by prismCDX. 2ff7e9595c


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